Wormwood, Artemisia absinthium
absence, bitterness, comfort, protection for travelers, not to be discouraged
dignity, grace, meditation
Color definitions:
Rose, Pink and White; Elegance, Platonic love
Yellow; Secret love
Acacia leaves; My heart is buried, affection beyond the grave
Lilly of the Nile
Hummingbird Mint, Giant Hyssop
Not hyssop nor mint, but related to
Burgundy Willow, Peppermint Willow, Willow Myrtle*
Church Steeples, Sticklewort
Peruvian Lily
Rose of Sharon, Syrian Mallow
Rose of Sharon, Syrian Mallow
Marsh Mallow
Amaranthus caudatus, Hanging Amaranth, Love-lies-bleeding
Naked ladies, Belladonna Lily
Ulmus americana
Queen Anne’s Lace, Bishop’s Flower
Virginia Creeper, Woodbine, also includes Porcelain Vine
Aconite, Helmet Flower, Monkshood, Wolfsbane
Pieris, Lily of the Valley Shrub
Garden Anemone
Hepatica, Liverwort
Mayday Flower, Pasque Flower, Wind Anemone
Muehlenbeckia Complexa, syn. Maidenhair vine, Mattress vine, Pohuehue,Wiggy-bush
Christmas Orchid, Darwin’s Orchid
Garden Chamomile
Flamingo Flower, Laceleaf
Dogsbane, Indian Hemp
Sambac Indian Jasmine
Madrone, Madrona, Strawberry Tree
Ground Laurel, Mayflower
Wormwood, Artemisia absinthium
absence, bitterness, comfort, protection for travelers, not to be discouraged
Color definitions:
Rose, Pink and White; Elegance, Platonic love
Yellow; Secret love
Acacia leaves; My heart is buried, affection beyond the grave
Anconitum napellis, Helmet Flower, Monkshood, Wolfsbane, Turk’s Cap, Friar’s Cap